Please find our weekly announcements and offerings report below.
Also prayer focus
Weekly Meetings
Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. (In Person & Facebook Live)
Sunday School (for all ages) 10:50-11:45 a.m.
Prayer Meeting 4:00 p.m.
Board of Deaconesses 6:30 p.m.
Ladies’ Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Rm 114
Men’s Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Rm 113
Womens Missionary Fellowship 9:30a.m.
Awana 5:45-7:30 p.m.
Paula must rebuild her contact list - please email the church office at paula@thebereans.org with your name, current phone number, address, and email.
thank you
Special Business Meeting – Sunday October 6, 2024, following morning service
We, the undersigned, call for a special business meeting on Sunday, October 6, 2024, immediately following the morning service. Purpose is to approve three months’ support for Shannon Hamlett, at $600 total. These funds are currently budgeted for Hatridge support. Signed five members of the Mission Board.
Tent or Treat – October 31st on the Town Mall 4:30 p.m.
We are looking for volunteers to “host a table” at this year’s Tent or Treat. If you are willing to decorate a 10x10 pop up (pop ups supplied by the town) and pass out candy to participating children, please see Pastor Mark. We also need donations of pre-wrapped candy to pass out. There is a trunk in the foyer for collection of donated candy. For any questions see Pastor or Paula.
FAITH & BLUE Weekend - pancake breakfast, Saturday, October 12th, 8:00-11:00 a.m. at Berean Baptist Church. Sunday, October 13th “Blessing of the Badge” (during morning service, 9:30 a.m.) coffee and donuts following service. If you would like to help, please see Pastor Mark.
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child – We will be collecting toys, clothing items (i.e., socks, t-shirts, underwear) & school supplies. Please place all items in the green tote in the foyer.
Sunday School donations for the rest of this year will be going towards Operation Christmas Child shipping and for Christmas food baskets.
Sermon Series
"Love Perfected"
A Study in 1 John
“This Is The Promise” 2:18 - 29
Pastor Mark Rockwood
Prayer Focus
Mary Connors
All the Fall activities
Offerings Report 09/29/2024
Weekly: Budgeted $5,223.88
YTD: Budgeted $203,731.32
Weekly: Received $3,754.17
YTD: Received $213,043.73
Additionally: Sunday School $21.00
C.E.Board $100.00
Weekly Attendance 09/29/24
Morning Worship 85
Sunday School 35
Prayer Meeting 6
Senior Advice
​Helping seniors throughout Maine Many aging adults are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. So we created a free resource that provides comprehensive information on topics like financial support and assisted living options that are available in their area. You can read more about our work here: https://www.senioradvice.com/assisted-living/main